Cadastre and Land Administration Thesaurus (CALATHE)
Last submission date December 13, 2024

General information

The Cadastre and Land Administration Thesaurus, CaLAThe, is a controlled vocabulary, recorded at http://www.cadastralvocabulary.org. The initial 2011 version of CaLAThe was prepared based on terms and term relationships derived from DIS version of the ISO 19152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM). Moreover, it referred to existing thesauri, primarily the GEMET thesaurus, the AGROVOC thesaurus, and the STW Thesaurus for Economics. Terms rendering dynamic or temporal aspects of the domain were added in version 2, while version 3 was supplemented with terms from the OGC Land and Infrastructure Conceptual Model Standard (LandInfra). Version 4 added code lists names and values from both standards, specified within its own skos:ConceptScheme. The code list values refer to CaLAThe thesaurus terms when possible in a meaningful way. Version 5 started a multi-lingual itinerary by adding terms (skos:prefLabel) in Danish and Turkish, the native language of the authors. Version 6 presents new and revised definitions for CaLAThe concepts. Intensional definition (also known as the genus-differentia definition) method recommended by ISO 704:2009 ‘Terminology work - Principles and methods’ is applied in the preparation of definitions. Version 6 also improves multilingualism of CaLAThe by adding Malay terms. The present Version 7 addresses the lack of Common Law terms. The two legal systems: Common Law and Civil Law, are explicitly introduced and nearly 10 Common Law terms with definitions are added, while largely keeping the thesaurus structure unchanged. The current Version 7 now includes about 250 concepts with their definitions and their equivalences in the Danish, Dutch, Malay, and Turkish languages. The concepts are organised through its top concepts that characterise the domain covered, namely Activity, Information, Land, Law, Party, and Survey. See more...
Initial created on December 13, 2024. For additional information, contact Erik Stubkjær (est@plan.aau.dk) and Volkan çağdaş (volkan@yildiz.edu.tr).

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